Digital “Visitors” or “Residents”?

Digital “Visitors”

Visitors are web users who uses the Internet as a tool to search certain information they require and would go offline spending their remaining time. Like the word itself says, visitors come and go, they don’t stay. This simply means from the moment they uses the Internet till the moment they exit, these ‘individuals do not leave any social trace online.’ (White, D.S., 2014) Once they acquire the information they need, they will gather some other information offline as they see no value in becoming a member of the Internet. ‘They always have an appropriate and focused need to use the web but don’t ‘reside’ there.’ (White, D., 2008)

Digital “Residents

Residents are members who sees the Internet that ‘supports the projection of their identity and facilitates relationships.’ (White, D., 2008) They view the Internet as a place to express their opinions, connect with people, share about their life and work. ‘A proportion of their lives is actually lived out online where the distinction between online and off–line is increasingly blurred.’ (White, D.S. & Cornu, A. Le, 2011.) When offline, part of that persona remains the same. They place great value in belonging online as their lives pretty much involves connecting their loved ones through the Internet.


The map above shows my online engagement with these apps or websites. I am a “visitor” when it comes to YouTube and Google Search, I don’t spend much time watching videos and when I do, they are either documentaries or funny ones. I uses Google search extensively, from personal use to school work. Once I am satisfied with what I have gathered online, I will just off my laptop and do other stuffs offline.

I am a “resident” for Email and Instagram. Emails are important to me when it comes to work and school, sending information or enquiries to an individual or firm. I live on Instagram, a place where I connect with my family, friends and strangers from around the globe. I personally feel Instagram is like combining Pinterest, Twitter and Facebook into one. I get to know how are my friends doing and share an adequate amount of me online.

We are all “visitors” and “resident” at different situations and when different needs arise. Just like me, I can never completely say I am a digital “visitor” but to certain websites or app.



White, D.S., 2014. Visitors and Residents. Available at: [Accessed November 27, 2014]

White, D.S. & Cornu, A. Le, 2011. Visitors and Residents: A new typology for online engagement. First Monday, 16(9). Available at: [Accessed November 27, 2014].

White, D., 2008. Not ‘Natives’ & ‘Immigrants’ but ‘Visitors’ & ‘Residents’, TALL blog, University of Oxford. Available at: [Accessed November 27, 2014]

2 thoughts on “Digital “Visitors” or “Residents”?

  1. Hi rochelle~ Such an interesting piece! I can see we have agreed on a lot of things about both digital visitors and digital resident~ And I love how you differentiate when it comes to different situation, such as E-mail. You have made such a clear point about your own personal online experience:) Jia you!!!! and have a nice weekend!


  2. Hey Rochelle, I really agree on the point that you’ve made about digital residents and truly it means so much to me to be able to access to social media and to have an online presence to connect with my beloved friends and loved ones! Now you should know that I recognize myself as a digital resident and the web is the first thing i check first from bed and last before bed:) A very good example would be after getting the newest Redmi note 4G phone for myself and realizing that it couldn’t access to Instagram due to incompatible software, it pissed me off a little that I am not able to be updated with the latest news and notifications of my friends and loved ones.(Shows how attached I am to social media huh?) Anyway, thats about it! Cheers and have a great week end.:)



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